Sunday, October 14, 2012

Midterm Exams are up now.......

Exams are round the corner. A test saps the energies of a person, generates mental agony and might make him/her incapable of thinking correctly. Students shudder at the thought of the exams and fear of failure makes them unhappy. Evil dream
s start haunting the students and dose of admonition (warning, cautionary advice) given regularly disturbs them.

Before the exams, students suspend enjoyable activities :

1, They do not go to the playground, cancel their picnic and forget about cinemas.
2. They are busy with their books, go on reading while sipping a cup of tea and go on revising while lying in bed.
3. They discuss questions, talk about books and cram about answers.
4. Some perch on the trees, other sit in the retired corner and still others stick themselves with chairs.

The exam fever touches the highest point on the night before the exam. Students get disturbed sleep. They get up early in the morning and even the atheists pray. In front of the exam hall one feels that everything was evaporated from his brain. A friend says ‘this question is sure to be set’. Another says ‘have you prepared these questions?’ - You feel disturbed and turn the pages of notes of books hastily and roll your eyes over the answer!

As soon as you take your seat in the exam, you pray to God or revise the questions. If the question paper is difficult, glasses of water are ordered! Students literally perspire. An easy question paper may make the choice of questions difficult.
Even after the examination the fever still haunt the students. Somebody tells his friend ‘I was a bit confused’ or ‘I could not do justice to questions’. He counts his marks daily and thinks that he would get a second class. He remains in this type of suspense until the Judgment Day.

Exam fever can cause anxiety, worry and in certain conditions – mental and physical stress. Such conditions can only worsen the situation.

So friends, just relax! Exams are just a part of the whole thing and not ghosts that give you sleepless nights. Deal with your exams and get the best of grades. Get over your nervousness and anxiety. Learn to fight it.

Try out the following steps :

1. Relax. Try doing some meditation. Give your brain some rest and think positive.
2. Make a plan and follow a plan. Divide your topics and complete them in parts.
3. Take breaks in between study hours. Breaks are as important as studying.
4. Avoid repetitive reading. There is a common feeling that if I read again and again, I will retain it. Avoid it. Continue with your plan. If you follow your plan properly, you’ll have enough time to revise everything.
5. Sleep properly. Your body and brain need rest. A sound sleep makes you more efficient for the next day.
6. Talk to your parents and friends. This also helps in reducing your anxiety and stress.
7. Think positive. Think about your strengths and not your weaknesses.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Children have a natural emotional processing system they try to use after a frightening incident. We sometimes get in their way, but they do their best to offload the emotion of fear. You’ll see your child using this elegant process if you see him trembling, screaming, or crying wildly after an incident like that. Support this process as best you can.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Check this -Camp AGNI

About School

A School for LIFE
Vision of Edu ASIA : Ensures a future in which all Learners meet the ever changing challenges in the real world with Self Confidence & reach their full potential.

Mission of Edu ASIA :
1. By ENSURES that our children develop an (acceptable) high level of physical fitness.
2. By ENABLING the children to take right decision at right time.
3. By IMBIBING in the children the attitude of continual learning.
4. By INCULCATING in the children , a state of emotional balance under all circumstances.
5. By MOTIVATING the children towards constantly enhancing their spiritual abilities.

Motto of Edu ASIA :
Sarvadha Sannadh – Always be prepared.
Education in 21st Century
Education is a continuous process by which a generation is prepared for the future by providing as many opportunities as possible to develop every aspect of personality, in order to sustain the time tested institutions which maintain law, order and harmony in the world. In this century ,education is characterized by high speed change and challenging competition. Education is a sort of oxygen for right prestigious social living. To equip students ,to handle these challenges they are educated through a curriculum which has the right mix of academics, creativity and character. This approach nurtures the specific talents of the student. In the process ,the journey of learning is made memorable in his/her life.

From Parent’s Perspective
The Child is and should be the most ambitious dream in a parent's life. Even the most successful persons feel disappointed with life if their children don't grow up to be successful men and women. The entire future of an individual, the family, and the society depends upon how a child's growth and development takes place.

Edu ASIA –A Bridge to child's future
Way back in 1988, Navodaya Vidya Samsthe, a non-profit making society registered under The Societies Registration Act (1860) set its first school ,MNS Continental school with barely 17 students in its 1st year. Gradually school started growing to new heights & more branches were added up. In the winter of 2007,the board started to work on an innovative kind of school than just mono type of traditional rote learning school. The result of that is the concept of Edu ASIA World & International Schools.
Edu ASIA have pioneering approaches to teaching and learning. Centering on academic excellence and the growth of the 'rounded' individual, Edu ASIA is a very special educational experience. More than that, it is a second to home. Like all good institutions we shall supply students with the optimum conditions for achieving academic success and matriculating into a first class institution latter. While preserving the best in traditional Indian, we have opted for a student-centered system with ample opportunities for project work and discovery learning, guided by a well-qualified teaching faculty. We shall make it our priority to seek out and develop individual talents so that they can achieve excellence not only within the classroom but also on the sports field, in the theatre and concert hall and in the art and dance studio. Student will work hard and their learning experience will be both challenging and fun.
At Edu ASIA , where Student's life is a Golden life---- a Silver line in one's life time.

About Our Founder Secretary & Chairman
During a 28 year career in educational field ,our Founder has specialized both in institution development and in solving the academic & administrative of the institutions. This has given her a rare insight into the challenge of setting up of this kind of educational institution. She is the District Commissioner (HO) Bharat Scouts & Guides. She has traveled across India regarding social & educational related activities. She had been awarded “Most Admired Teacher by the Public” through the educational department . Working with students has long been one of her enthusiasms. Her sincere devotion towards the education of children, training of teachers, upliftment of women and eradication of social evils, is widely recognized.

Chairman’s Message
Dear Children ,apart from knowledge of facts, aspire to weave the knowledge of values and a variety of objective educational experiences in to the fabric of your school life. We expect our children to develop head to handle complexities, heart to handle diversities and guts to handle ambiguities. I have always been passionate about children because you provide us the opportunity to experience and refine our views about the World and how we are required to shape it to make your future a better place.
Let us welcome every new moment as another step into the future, another golden opportunity to complete what we were unable to finish yesterday.
Smt B Neela Kumari

About Our Vice Chairman
Lt Sandesh Kumar M.S a kind of talk walk “Ajeet Hi Abeet Hi” meaning Always Daring Always Victorious is the key architect of this institution. If anyone ever happen to meet him, they feel the difference .Lt Sandesh an illustrious alumni of prestigious institution Sainik School (Bijapur),National Defence Academy,(Pune),Indian Military Academy( Dehradun) with a dream to get a school of its kind is now on the board .He served in the India's Most Gallantry award winning army unit 8JAKLI(Siachen). He has developed a splendid spirit of accepting challenges of life. Another prominent facet of his is that he is a great promoter of quality education . When he got to Edu ASIA Board, the school had just 110 students. He is the spirit behind an institution known as 'Edu ASIA '.

Vice-Chairman’s Message
Edu ASIA is a wonderful experience for child where they are prepared for the future by providing ample opportunities to develop all aspect of their personality. We believe every child is GOOD & SMART.As our motto goes ‘Ominus Partus’-child is prepared for the LIFE Challenges rather than just school exams.